2024 领袖堂 Inductees


Established in 2001, the Hardin-Simmons大学 领袖堂 provides for permanent recognition of graduates, 以前的学生, 以及那些有杰出成就的前雇员,他们证明了自己是有良好品格的人. 它位于埃尔文L. Skiles Social Science Building on the first-floor circular corridor. 领袖堂是由休斯顿的伊内兹·凯利于2001年慷慨捐赠的, 德州, 还有她已故的丈夫, Dr. 柯南道尔凯利.

The 2024 领袖堂 inductees were recognized on Friday, 3月1日, 2024, 在PG电子游戏举行的午宴上,家人和朋友庆祝他们的成就.


Growing up in historic Big Spring, 德州, 劳拉•摩尔 发现西德克萨斯小镇是她伟大梦想和伟大成就的发射台.

Laura was blessed to have loving parents who invested in her in lasting ways. 她的母亲是一个坚强的榜样,深爱着她,也是劳拉女儿们心爱的娜娜. 从初中开始, 劳拉随身带着一个便签本,一直在寻找可以参与的项目. 这种做法一直延续至今.

Following high school graduation, Laura enrolled in Hardin-Simmons大学, 一个她爱上的校园——一个她留下自己印记和终身友谊的特殊地方.  在许, 劳拉参加了学生会,并在大四时担任学生会主席. 毕业后, she attended the University of Manchester in Manchester, 以扶轮基金奖学金学生身份在英国完成教育硕士学位.

Laura then returned to Abilene where she married HSU alum Jay Moore. 再一次, 劳拉拿起她的记事本,开始了她的职业生涯和公民机会. Highlights of her career include a 12-year stint in administration at HSU, serving as Director of 校友, in Marketing and Enrollment Services, and as Assistant to the President. 在此期间, she coordinated the HSU Centennial Celebration which included 100 events, and the development of the first phase of the 校友 Plaza.

她在大的时候, 劳拉曾担任国家儿童插图文学中心主任和“接触和阅读西德克萨斯”协调员.“另外, 作为发展总监, 她参与了亨德里克儿童医院的筹款活动,并邀请了迈克尔·贝伦斯坦, author of The Berenstain Bear books, 允许医院为儿童医院的每个房间命名不同的书.

Following her service at Hendrick, 劳拉做了几年的顾问,并与各种非营利组织合作,帮助他们为他们的任务收集资源. 她于2012年被邀请担任格蕾丝博物馆的执行董事,并担任该职位已有12年. 目前,博物馆是阿比林遗产广场项目的合作伙伴,格雷斯将监督该项目,博物馆将在该项目中增加火花科学中心.

在公共服务领域, Laura has given her time as the chair of 领导 Abilene, the Downtown Development Committee, 和2011年一起, 除此之外, brought the first Splash Pad to Abilene.  另外, 她曾担任HSU董事会和阿比林商会主席,并在阿比林市议会任职两届. 作为阿比林社区和PG电子游戏受人尊敬的领袖, Laura is known as a good listener, 共识, 表达沟通能力, and one whose leadership is marked by getting things done.

Her most valuable gift in life is her family – her husband Jay and daughters, 麦迪逊, 伦敦, 安妮奈斯,瑞尔斯,.

表彰她作为公民领袖的不懈和无私的服务以及对西德克萨斯州非营利领导的广泛贡献, PG电子游戏自豪地将劳拉·摩尔引入HSU领袖堂.

DR. 罗伯特·G. 大70年

Dr. 罗伯特·G. 大, 目前担任霍华德佩恩大学的科利历史学教授和大学历史学家, 出生在阿比林, 5月6日德克萨斯州, 1948.  After attending school in Abilene through the third grade, his family moved to Richardson, 德州 in 1957 where he graduated from Richardson High School in 1966. He attended Hardin-Simmons大学, 1970年5月毕业,获历史学和政治学文学学士学位, and received a commission as a U. S. 军官.

1970年8月,曼格鲁姆进入乔治亚州本宁堡的步兵学校服役. Upon finishing the Infantry Officer Basic Course, he received training as a 4.2” Heavy Mortar Platoon Leader.  大 then served in Germany from January 1971 to November 1973, in leadership assignments with military police. Returning to the States in 1973 following active duty, 大 entered graduate school at the University of North 德州, 在那里,他获得了美国历史文学硕士学位,并获得了博士学位.D. 在1978年成为美国历史上.

His first employment after graduation in the fall of 1978 was in Newton, Mississippi at Clarke College, 浸信会专科学校. 在克拉克大学期间,他结识了密西西比州莱克的谢丽尔·安·埃弗雷特,并与之结婚.  他们的婚礼, 5月31日, 1980, was immediately followed by a move to Brown County, 德州, where the 大’s have spent their married life with careers at Howard Payne.

Beginning in the fall of 1980, 大 first served at HPU as an associate professor of history and government and head of the department of history; in the fall of 1981, 他被任命为道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟自由学院助理院长和科利美国历史教授.  In 1984 he was named Director of the Academy honors program. Serving as the Academy Director until December 1997. 1998年1月,他被任命为大学历史学家,2001年,他被任命为系谱学和美国历史的伯里斯教授, a position he held for 29 years. 今年是他在哈佛大学的第44个年头, 他继续担任科利美国历史教授和大学历史学家.

From 1974 to 1998, 大 continued to serve in the U. S. Army’s Individual Ready Reserve in numerous leadership positions. After 28 years of active and reserve duty with the U.S. Army, 大 retired in June 1998 with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

1998年5月, he was elected to the Early City Council where, after three terms on the council and two terms as mayor pro tem, he was elected mayor in May 2005. Currently, he is finishing his tenth term as mayor.

For distinguished service in Christian higher education, 在美国陆军中, and as Mayor of the City of Early, Hardin-Simmons大学 proudly inducts Dr. 罗伯特·G. 大 into the HSU 领袖堂.


乔治·罗伯特·布莱恩, 阿比林人, 当他还是个小男孩的时候,他无法想象上帝为他准备的生活. He would become a respected business leader, distinguishing himself as a utility executive, in non-profit volunteer service, and as a devoted Christian layman.

鲍勃于1944年9月22日出生在德克萨斯州的阿比林,在那里他完成了大学学业. He graduated from Cooper High School in 1963, lettering in basketball. 他于1967年毕业于Hardin-Simmons大学,获得工商管理学士学位. While at HSU, he worked at Lone Star Gas to help defray his college expenses.

大学毕业后, he began working full-time for Lone Star Gas and married Mary Frances Woodward, who would be his partner in life for 32 years. 此后不久, 他加入美国海军三年,获得中尉军衔. Upon completion of his Navy commitment, 在雅典短暂停留后,他回到了孤星天然气公司(后来的ensearch Exploration), 塔尔萨, 和俄克拉荷马城, he was assigned to company headquarters in Dallas. 他曾担任公司的多个职位,并担任ensearch Energy的董事长. While there, he also completed the Harvard Advanced Management Program.

他曾担任德州 Commerce Bank-Brookhollow和Dallas Petroleum Club的董事会成员, as a Deacon for Richardson Heights and Wilshire Baptist churches, and as a Board member for the State Fair of 德州 Youth Livestock Auction. 他和玛丽还在Grand Saline附近拥有并经营着一个牧场,他们在那里饲养Beefmaster牛,并在那里度过了许多周末.

即使在他繁忙的日程中, Bob proudly served his alma mater, Hardin-Simmons大学, as a member of the Board of Trustees for nine years, 包括担任几年财务委员会主席和三年董事会主席. 作为受托人, he was known not only for his business acumen, attention to financial detail, and swift decision-making ability but also for his keen sense of humor.

While serving on the HSU Board, Bob was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He passed a year later on October 8, 1998, 54岁的时候, and was survived by his wife Mary, 女儿斯蒂芬妮, 女婿道格拉斯·艾利森, 母亲弗朗西斯·布莱恩, 兄弟姐妹乔, 凯, 和安. 鲍勃·布莱恩在他的生活中融入了大量的服务、对家庭的爱和对基督教的虔诚.

表彰他的商业成就以及对国家和母校的贡献, PG电子官方免费下载自豪地将乔治·罗伯特·布莱恩引入哈佛大学领袖堂.


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